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Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face-Down Photos

So, did you have a planking today? It’s very simple, you just lie your face down with a straightened body, that’s all. Sounds easy, but this so-called “lying down game” has became the most famous Internet meme since months before, with thousands of photos of different lying poses spawning within the famous sites such as Facebook and Flickr.
unusually awesome planking photos Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
(Image Source: Erich Leeth)
But you know, humans get bored quickly when they’re seeing and doing the same thing over and over again. They will seek for something more creative, more fun and of course, crazier. Then they started planking on the tank, planking in the Star War suit, planking before the cows, and even captured the photo of polar bear in “planking” state.
So while you might be imagining the scene that human planks before the cows, we had collected 43 unusual photos with unusual planking poses in unusual situation. So what’s next? Take your coffee and enjoy these extraordinary yet amusing planking photos! And more surprise, we will be featuring Horsemaning, the next level of Internet meme!

Absolute Balance. Planking on the ground is easy, but never on this kind of chair, talking about perfect balance! (Image Source: Simen Løvgren)
absolute balance Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Ancient Planking. Now who knew planking started from Xi-an’s Terracotta Army? In fact I’m more curious about who did this. (Image Source: uninvolved observer)
ancient planking Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
At Glencree. You saw something floating… with a little girl planking on it. The reflection is brilliant by the way. (Image Source: Ben_N_Murphy)
at glencree Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Car Plank. Don’t plank on the car, plank inside it! Hilarious and creative shot indeed. (Image Source: cameijers)
car plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Crack Planking. “Obviously the safest way to travel across cracks. I really don’t think hikers have discovered this technique yet, so hikers around the world, please share and enjoy this technique.” (Image Source: skarpi)
crack planking Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Danbo’s Take Up Planking!! Danbos are taking up the lying down game and they seem very enjoying. (Image Source: Andy-Millard)
danbos take up planking Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Entrance Plank. Banana from the peanut butter jelly time enjoying the planking meme. (Image Source: Toasty_rules)
entrance plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Facedown In Bokeyland. A perfect example showing you that how classic facedown can also be great. (Image Source: Studio d’Xavier)
facedown in bokeyland Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Facedown Tuesday. “I’m also glad I didn’t get run over by a train. It was SO cold and windy today. I braved the elements for this special occasion though.” (Image Source: Erich Leeth)
facedown tuesday Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Facedown Tuesday XXI. “I just hopped on top of my car in the parking lot after work.” (Image Source: Erich Leeth)
facedown tuesday xxi Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Get Wet Plank. There’s fountain like this everywhere, but how many people really tried the planking on top of it? It’s about thinking out of the box. (Image Source: cameijers)
get wet plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Gunpla(nking). Mobile suits following up the planking meme too, I never thought to pose my toys like this, but it’s worth a try for some hilarious moment. (Image Source: toon_ee)
gunplanking Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
High Difficulty Planking. You know it, don’t try this anywhere! Bravo anyway! (Image Source: sealion15)
high difficulty planking Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Iron Man Is Planking. “Iron Man was looking around on the Web last night and discovered the fad of planking.” (Image Source: cyclochip)
iron man is planking Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Little Girl Planking. Probably one of the cutest planking in human history! (Image Source: jhinnr)
little girl planking Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Moving Plank! A very fun planking that cannot complete without the supports of playful people, you got the focus dude! (Image Source: Kraus Phade)
moving plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Parking Plank. They park very well, wait, should they even exist on there with that pose? (Image Source: Semmick Photo)
parking plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Ping Pong Face-Down. “Today’s ping pong tournament had additional challenges.” (Image Source: ApplesInMyBra)
ping pong face down Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Plank The Army. What a great challenge to the army, too bad we cannot see what happened next! (Image Source: Simen Løvgren)
plank the army Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Plank The Great. Does the famous people even think that human in 21st century will invent something called planking? (Image Source: luciwest)
plank the great Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Plank The Lake. It seems like he’s doing the planking, and suddenly someone pushes him into the lake, cool one anyway! (Image Source: Arnór Orri)
plank the lake Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Plank The Monster. I think the monster is more hilarious, but the combination makes the entire photo even more amusing! (Image Source: tgsaw)
plank the monster Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Plank The Tank. So let them witness the true might of the planking. (Image Source: Basrah K9)
plank the tank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planker And Cows. Animals always have a hard time on understanding intelligent humans. (Image Source: peter danger atkinson)
planker and cows Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Plankers And Cops. Street planking is best when cops are involving it, whether they plank or not. (Image Source: HectorTheGreat1)
plankers and cops Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planking. “There’s a time and a place for everything.” (Image Source: im.mick)
planking Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planking Bear. “Even the polar bears are totally hooked on planking these days.” (Image Source: patries71)
planking bear Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planking Champêtre. What holiday game will you like to have? Perhaps some happy planking on the grasses. (Image Source: Daily (de fuite:))
planking champetre Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planking In Garage. “So Scott thought he would try it on his car. Guys this isn’t easy if you don’t believe me try it.” (Image Source: Indianapolis Sports Photography)
planking in garage Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planking On A Frozen Lake. “Entering the Planking Craze that’s going on the internet now, I’m doing it in a frozen lake. From the top of Cypress Mt in Vancouver, BC.” (Image Source: superpco)
planking on a frozen lake Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planking On JR Cage. It’s alright for animals to not understand about this, even we humans don’t quite understand it either. (Image Source: kejuliso)
planking on jr cage Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planking The Bean. “World-record planking? It might be… they’re talking to the Guinness people…” (Image Source: Flipped Out)
planking the bean Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planking The Tanker. I really wonder where they got these kinds of gears. (Image Source: Basrah K9)
planking the tanker Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Planking With Rachael. Now what? Need For Speed Hot Planking? (Image Source: PatHayes)
planking with rachael Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Run Me Over. “There I was just lying on the ground (face down) when Scott decided to run me over in his jeep…” (Image Source: Martin Mucky Dunne)
run me over Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Ryan Plank! There are more uses of basketball board rather than throwing basketball to it. (Image Source: The Dude Junior)
ryan plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Spider Plank. In our childhood time, who knows the spider web can one day be played with a game called planking? (Image Source: cameijers)
spider plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Spiral Dominos. “I have long been an admirer of the creative and provocative work of Robert Smithson. This is my small homage to his amazing earthwork spiral jetty, although it goes nowhere near his genius or creativity.” (Image Source: Cat Johnson)
spiral dominos Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Star Wars Planking. “These aren’t the (regular) planks you’re looking for…” (Image Source: SteveHobley)
star wars planking Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
The Lying Down Game. Is this some kind of modern Da Vinci’s art? Probably one of the most artistic planking photos I’ve ever seen, brilliant! (Image Source: Genghis 72)
the lying down game Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
The Wing Man Plank. We know that we cannot walk on the aeroplane, how about planking on it? (Image Source: Basrah K9)
the wing man plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Transparent Screen IV. “This is the actual picture out of the camera. I didn’t add the desktop in post. What fun would that be!? You can actually see the reflection of the wall along the left third of the screen and my camera in the middle as well!” (Image Source: Erich Leeth)
transparent screen iv Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Water-line Plank. The secret of the funny planking is the planker has to be serious, isn’t it? (Image Source: hyperdadamix)
water line plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Where Are My Socks?! “Shooting this one was kind of hard though, cause people kept coming in & out and Japan is not one of those countries where seeing a guy with his head stuck in a dryer is considered to be routine…” (Image Source: Nicola Bernardi)
where are my socks Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Wilcox Pass Plank. Planking at 3000 meter, seems like a good way to enjoy the heavenly mountain scene. (Image Source: Photo-Con)
wilcox pass plank Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos

How’s About Horsemaning?

Horsemaning, also called as “fake beheading” is currently expected as the new Internet meme that will take over the planking. However, there were some posts burst out from both Gawker and Dembot pointed out that the meme was genuinely created (or, “faked”) by BuzzFeed. While the site didn’t officially state it’s some kind of joke or what, they didn’t deny it either.
So now the Horsemaning was coined as “Forced Meme” or “Fake Meme”, but is it really important that the meme is deliberately created or not? We’re not sure about the answer, but Internet people are already taking up the trend, and below are some neat Horsemaning photos for you to enjoy!
Enjoying Magazine. Magazine is still enjoyable even viewing it with the head unplugged, did you try that before? (Image Source: MTV Buzzworthy Blog)
enjoying magazine Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Floating Head. You don’t necessarily need to turn your body even if you want to enjoy the view of your back. (Image Source: lavenderbouquet)
floating head Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Horsemaning 2.0. The future of horsemaning is out, fuelled by the connective infrastructure of Google+! (Image Source: Newsweek)
horsemaning 20 Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Moustache Man Horsemaning. Having a relaxing moment on the chair… with my slightly heavy head unplugged. (Image Source: BuzzFeed)
moustache man horsemaning Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Playing Video Game. As long as the gameplay is enjoyable, it doesn’t matter where your head is placed. (Image Source: Horsemaners Anonymous)
playing video game Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Post No Bills. It’s nothing wrong, don’t you think? (Image Source: BuzzFeed)
post no bills Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
No Head. Err, sir, can I tell you that your head is misplaced? (Image Source: shojke)
no head Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos
Sexy Guy. Am I the only one who thinks the combination is quite wrong? (Image Source: BuzzFeed)
sexy guy Planking Photography: 45 Most Creative Examples of Face Down Photos

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